Related Pages
- Classes Info
- Class Timetables
- Pre-school class Caterpillars
- Pre-School class Ladybirds
- Reception Class Squirrels
- Reception Class Hedgehogs
- Year 1 Rabbits Class and Hares Class
- Year 2 Ravens and Owls
- Year 3 Mice and Voles
- Year 4 Foxes and Wildcats
- Year 5 Harriers and Kestrels
- Year 6 Hawks
- Music
- Curriculum
- Phonics
- Equality Duty
- Values and Values Education
- Assessment
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6, Hawks class! Our Class Teacher is Mrs Murphy and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Currey.
As we are in our final year at Derwent we work hard but we always try to make our learning fun! We enjoy English and mathematics every day and have science once a week. We usually have PE twice a week; the days for this will be shared in the new timetable. Please make sure that there are no multi-coloured leggings or tops or hoodies with logos on other than the Derwent one. We want to promote Y6 as the example for the top of the school and be able to give a great example to all the younger children.
Spanish music instrumental lessons and Art and DT will be taught by specialists but everything else by our Class Teacher. Our homework consists of a weekly maths and English task as well as weekly spellings and mathematics tasks linked to our curriculum. Children are encouraged to read and discuss our books with someone at home at least 3 times a week.
Long term plan
Spelling booklet