Related Pages
- Classes Info
- Class Timetables
- Pre-school class Caterpillars
- Pre-School class Ladybirds
- Reception Class Squirrels
- Reception Class Hedgehogs
- Year 1 Rabbits Class and Hares Class
- Year 2 Ravens and Owls
- Year 3 Mice and Voles
- Year 4 Foxes and Wildcats
- Year 5 Harriers and Kestrels
- Year 6 Hawks
- Music
- Curriculum
- Phonics
- Equality Duty
- Values and Values Education
- Assessment
Year 5
Hello and welcome to our new Harriers and Kestrels named classes Our teachers are Mrs Harris and Mrs Copp and our teaching assistants are Miss Peek and Mr Monks.
Our classrooms are bright, well-resourced placeas we are upstairs in the UKS2 rooms in the new Buttercup teaching block.
We enjoy English and mathematics every day and all of our remaining curriculum is taught as separate subjects although the art and design will often link to the history and geography.
Some of our subjects are taught by specialist staff including: - Spanish, music instruments and, Art, and Design Technology
We have two weekly PE lessons and the timetable will always be available so you know when to send children in, dressed in their PE kits. Please remember, no multi-coloured leggings or tops with logos other than the Derwent one.
Our homework consists of weekly spellings, Maths and TTRockstars to make sure our learning is consolidated. There is also a reading challenge and topic tasks which can be completed over a half term. Children are also encouraged to read with an adult at least four times a week at home and books will be checked by an adult to make sure they are challenging and varied. The range available in school is excellent; our library is now ready for us to go and use and find even more pleasure in books.