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- Safeguarding
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Safeguarding is of paramount importance at Derwent School. We have a number of members of staff who are trained to be 'Designated Safeguarding Leads' and all our staff receive regular training on safeguarding. Our safeguarding / child protection procedures can be found in our Safeguarding Policy below:
Derwent Primary and Southill Lower Schools Safeguarding Policy
The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Derwent Primary School is the Executive Headteacher Mrs Samantha Barlow
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads across the Derwent and Southill Federation, who have also undertaken the full Designated Person training, are:
- Mrs Tenille Rimmer, Head of School
- Miss Chloe Bell, SENCO (
- Mrs Sonya Read, Deputy Head
The nominated Governor for Safeguarding is Sarah Tuckwell.
In addition the following members of staff have undertaken Safer Recruitment training:
- Mrs Samantha Barlow
Derwent Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All staff and governors must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. At Derwent we record all safeguarding, bullying, racist and child on child abuse on CPOMs. This forms a safe online digital store for all records for pupils disclosures and any events which a member of staff feels needs to be logged.
Some key government documents relating to safeguarding include:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- What to do if you're worried a child is being abused
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Allegations against staff
- Child on child abuse
If you have a safeguarding concern then please email a member of the Senior Leadership Team at
Updated: June 2024