Derwent Primary School

Derwent Lower School

Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School Life at Derwent Primary School

Safeguarding Resources for Parents/Carers

Please see below a non exhaustive list of agencies which can offer advice and/or support regarding concerns:

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection

Help your children get the most
out of the Internet.

A safe space to learn about keeping
your child safe online, and how to
report anything you are concerned

Women's Aid

Working together against domestic abuse until women and children are 

Information and advice available including a help line. 

NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Protecting children today and preventing abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood.

Information and support on preventing abuse and keeping children safe.

CBC - Central Bedfordshire Council

Information and advice available for the safeguarding of adults and children, including how to make a report and helplines if you'd like to speak to someone. 



Providing accessible support in the ways people need it so that everyone can enjoy thriving relationships in every part of life.

Offering counselling, mediation, support for parent relationships and much more.


Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service supporting Children, Young People and their families, with other services specifically supporting adults; Babyloss Bereavement Service and Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service. We also offer a Specialist Bereavement Service in Kent and Medway. 

Family Lives

Providing targeted early intervention and crisis support to families.

BDAP - Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership


The Partnership brings together key agencies across Bedfordshire to raise awareness about domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships, to deliver services to support those affected by abuse and to work together to improve our local response. 

Advice and support available 24/7.


Family Lives

Water safety

Letter from Central Bedfordshire advising on public water areas and where families should exercise caution.

Summer Water Safety Central Bedfordshire

Parent Zone

Here is a nice parent zone resource about Cyber Security and safety. When our children are on devices they are still at risk from all kinds of marketing or images which they shouldn't see. This site offers parental advice and support.

 Updated: May 2024