Related Pages
- Classes Info
- Class Timetables
- Pre-school class Caterpillars
- Pre-School class Ladybirds
- Reception Class Squirrels
- Reception Class Hedgehogs
- Year 1 Rabbits Class and Hares Class
- Year 2 Ravens and Owls
- Year 3 Mice and Voles
- Year 4 Foxes and Wildcats
- Year 5 Harriers and Kestrels
- Year 6 Hawks
- Music
- Curriculum
- Phonics
- Equality Duty
- Values and Values Education
- Assessment
Values Education
Derwent Primary School is a Values school. Each month we focus on a different Value that makes up our school ethos.
The children are awarded a leaf when they are seen to be living the Values. These are awarded in assembly and displayed on the eagle mural in the front foyer for all to celebrate. Parents are also encouraged to nominate children for living the Values outside of school.