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- Classes Info
- Class Timetables
- Pre-school class Caterpillars
- Pre-School class Ladybirds
- Reception Class Squirrels
- Reception Class Hedgehogs
- Year 1 Rabbits Class and Hares Class
- Year 2 Ravens and Owls
- Year 3 Mice and Voles
- Year 4 Foxes and Wildcats
- Year 5 Harriers and Kestrels
- Year 6 Hawks
- Music
- Curriculum
- Phonics
- Equality Duty
- Values and Values Education
- Assessment
Pre-school class (Caterpillars)
Welcome to Caterpillars! Our team consists Ms Williams, Class Teacher and our Teaching Assistant Mrs Phillips. This year our topics are All about Me, Transport and Travel, Colours and Shapes, Magic Wizards and Witches, Christmas stories, Fantasy and Adventure, Fantastic Food and Shopping, Garden and Growing, Pets, Zoo, The Seaside, The Circus and finally Brilliant Bears. With all these topics come fun activities, visitors and hopefully trips!
During the day, we can choose to play outside or inside. Twice a day (morning and afternoon) we will settle down on the carpet to sing songs, listen to stories, do some finger gym and more! On Muddy Mondays, we will use wellies when necessary to go play in our Forest School area where we have moveable benches, log trails, animal seats, a giant mud kitchen and other fun activities! We will be in the Hall on Wednesday mornings to use the PE equipment such as climbing frames, vaulting horses, balls, floor mats, soft play… We will also be cooking/baking/decorating once a week.
We hope you are ready and excited to come learn with us and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Caterpillars Long Term Plan
Caterpillars Timetable