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- Pre-School class Ladybirds
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- Values and Values Education
- Assessment
Pre-School class (Ladybirds)
Welcome to Ladybirds.
We are one of the newest classes to open at Derwent Primary School and have the youngest children walking through our doors. I’m Mrs. Paine, I have over 25 years experience within education and I am joined by Mrs. Hewitt, and Ms Jeffries. Both our teaching assistants are experienced in working with our youngest pupils. We understand that starting school for the first time can be overwhelming. For many children Ladybirds may be their first experience of being within a structured learning environment. That’s why we put play at the forefront of our planning.
Our day consists of various types of play and activities to help the youngest of children settle into school life by providing the foundations in learning. We use a combination of ‘guided play’ and ‘child-initiated play’:
Indoor/Outdoor guided play
All the adults are involved in the children’s play and guide their involvement. For example by encouraging sharing, communicating, taking turns, following instructions. This type of play is an opportunity for children to be introduced to new games and activities for them to later try independently and to learn how to play with others.
Indoor/Outdoor child-initiated play
This is free, unstructured play and is essential for child development. Through this child-initiated play our children are able to practise what they know, build in confidence and develop their abilities in areas such as social, emotional, language and creative skills. This type of play is an opportunity for our children to explore their environment, test their limits, become creative and get messy.
Children in Ladybirds have access to a multitude of activities that are focused on all areas of development. During a typical day, in addition to our play times, we sing songs, listen to stories, do finger gym, as well as having activities focused on phonics and mathematical development. Children have daily opportunities to develop their fine and gross motor skills. We have our own playground attached to our classroom and have daily access to the new climbing activity area. On Fridays we have focused P.E. and Music lessons. In P.E, we use equipment such as vaulting boards, climbing frames, balls, floor mats and soft play equipment. In music we explore various sounds, make music using instruments and sing songs.
We follow the Development Matters updated 2024 guidance for EYFS learning.
Long Term Plan