Current diary dates
3 Feb 25 to 9 Feb 25 - Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
10 Feb 25 - Parents' Play & Stay in Pre-School
11 Feb 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Reception Squirrels & Hedgehogs
12 Feb 25 15:40 to 18:00 - Parents Evening
13 Feb 25 15:40 to 18:00 - Parents Evening
14 Feb 25 - Last day of Spring Term 1
14 Feb 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y3 Voles & Mice
17 Feb 25 to 21 Feb 25 - February Half Term
24 Feb 25 - Return to school for Spring Term 2
26 Feb 25 - Herrings Green Farm School Trip - Reception
28 Feb 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y4 Foxes & Wildcats
6 Mar 25 - World Book Day
7 Mar 25 - KS1 Fire Service Visit
7 Mar 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y2 Owls & Ravens
14 Mar 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y1 Hares & Rabbits
19 Mar 25 - Voice in a Million
19 Mar 25 to 25 Mar 25 - Travelling Book Fair
21 Mar 25 - Red Nose Day - Comic Relief
21 Mar 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y6 Hawks
28 Mar 25 15:10 to 15:25 - Sharing Assembly Y5 Kestrels & Harriers
4 Apr 25 - Last day of Spring Term 2
4 Apr 25 - Pyjamarama - PJ mufti
Welcome to Derwent Primary School
We are a Values-led School
We respect ourselves; We respect others; We respect the environment.
“What a warm, friendly school with delightful children.”
I am delighted to be able to share our website information about Derwent Primary School. We are a values-led, two form entry primary school in a federation with Southill Lower School, with exceptional curriculum and teaching resources for all year groups from nursery age to Year 6. On transition, our children have a guaranteed place in Year 7 at Henlow Academy if they wish.
As the Head of School,I oversee the school on a daily basis and am on the playground morning and afternoon for any concerns or shout outs for the superb team we have here. For teaching and learning, curriculum or behaviour concerns, I am your first port of call and my office is housed in the Buttercup Building along with Miss Bell the SENCO.
Mental wellness is on our agenda this year, with Miss Bell and Miss Kell among other staff members, leading the pastoral support for those pupils in need. We are lucky to have a Breakfast and After School Club which has a dedicated Sunshine Room. This is also used for pastoral support in the school day.
Safeguarding is always on our minds, and we have a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Barlow who is the Executive Head for the federation, and Ms Sarah Tuckwelll who is our Safeguarding governor. In addition we always have Safeguarding staff on site and both Ms Bell and I are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Do speak to any of us about any concerns you have.
Admission to our Reception classes is via the Local Authority and places are in demand - so far this year 2024-2025, we are full. We do however, have priority in admissions for service families and we enjoy working closely with the service families living on the RAF station nearby. Our Early Years are managed by Mrs. Read, who is also Assistant Head and school lead teacher at Southill. Mrs. Read oversees the curriculum and timetables for all of the Early Years classes.
The grounds of the school are in constant development, although we already now have a netball, football and basketball hard standing, football pitches and two play park areas. In addition to plans for increased outdoor learning which include development of the pond, we have plenty of places to leave bikes and scooters and, most unusually for a primary school, a proper car park with electric charging points and specific spots for disabled drivers.We also have excellent catering via AIP and ensure that high quality lunch with a full vegetable and fruit offering, enables children to try different foods and also help them understand how to keep well through a proper balanced diet.
Please do book an appointment for a look around if you are considering applying for a pre school or primary school place here with the office. Mrs Sidoli and Miss Ferris are always available to answer any questions.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Tenille Rimmer
Head of School